Mastercard x Lighthouse program

Mastercard has launched the Lighthouse program to establish lasting partnerships with leading fintech, cybersecurity, and productivity startups. The program aims to bring together startups, banks, investors, and advisors to scale innovative ideas.

The Mastercard Lighthouse program consists of two tracks:

The FINITIV program focuses on fintechs and fintech enablers based and/or operating in the Nordics and Baltics that aim to scale through partnerships. Mastercard Lighthouse FINITIV

The MASSIV program targets impact startups in the Nordics and Baltics with the goal of helping one billion people live more prosperous and secure lives by 2025. Mastercard Lighthouse MASSIV

Key facts about the programs:

They run concurrently every half year (in spring and autumn).

Each time, 15 fintechs and 5 impact companies are selected to participate in the program.

Previously, startups such as “,” “Tailwind,” “CrowdedHero,” and “Abillio” from Latvia have been accepted into the Lighthouse program.

2024-02-21T13:26:10+02:00February 20th, 2024|

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